
20 things about me.

1. I am a doctor.

2. I am in love.

3. I have had a very easy and a happy and protected life.

4. I can stand nowhere, if it isn’t for God.

5. I love chocolate. Love might be an understatement. I’d love to live in a house of chocolate and swim in Nutella. Yeah, that almost covers it.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

6. I am a lazy ass and I procrastinate on doing almost everything.

7. I’m obsessed with completing one season a day irrespective of the number of episodes šŸ™ˆ

8. I hate getting dressed for the gym. Working out is fine. But hate going. šŸ¤”

9. I’m now in a sane, happy and positive space. After a couple of rough months. Everything passes eventually.

10. I want to pet a beagle.

11. I believe in “quality over quantity”.

12. WordPress is therapeutic for me. šŸ˜‡

13. The comments I receive on this platform brighten up my time šŸ™‚ thank you so much šŸ˜˜

14. I really want this blog to reach the target audience so that my experiences can help you save at least a little bit of trouble.

15. My idea of a kick ass vacation is on a beach and in a 5 star resort.šŸ˜Ž

16. I love my mom way more than I can ever express.

17. I want to give back to every single person who helped me get where I am today and where I will be in the future.

18. I’m running outta things to write now.

19. My life priorities are- sleep, food, shopping, going out, in that order.šŸ˜‚

20. Oh and I am an Overthinking weird and and over the top emotional person. I can cry anytime anywhere for any reason.šŸ˜‚

Ok thanks.

Lots of love,

Brown girl on a budget šŸ™‚

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